Welcome to the Darkeden active servers listing!
Explore the list of live (private) servers, each offering different features and rates.
Or if you have a server to share you can register it to the list and let the players know about it!
This list is ordered by number of Likes.
If a server details are not updated in last 3 months, the server automatically is set as inactive.
The list is also moderated on a weekly basis, so if you do not want your listing to be set as inactive please be careful what you do/write around.
Explore the list of live (private) servers, each offering different features and rates.
Or if you have a server to share you can register it to the list and let the players know about it!
This list is ordered by number of Likes.
If a server details are not updated in last 3 months, the server automatically is set as inactive.
The list is also moderated on a weekly basis, so if you do not want your listing to be set as inactive please be careful what you do/write around.